Sunday, October 28, 2007

2007 pumpkin carving

This year the kids asked for a haunted house themed pumpkin. This pattern was drawn free hand on the pumpkin for carving. Click the picture to see the before and after shots. Happy Halloween!

2007 pumpkin

2006 pumpkin carving

2005 pumpkin carving

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Just as dusk fell I thought I saw a gleam in their eyes, and something strange happened to their teeth.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Good afternoon Mr. Vice President

I'm uncertain why, but here is a shot moments ago as the President's Vice President's "Marine 1 2?" left the Leesburg airport. He was in town for a conference where he lectured Iran during his speech. He arrived just before 11AM, and I if I had known I would have a great shot as he flew directly over the house. His motorcade went by and then an hour later returned for his brief flight back to Pennsylvania Ave. If you click on the picture you can see the pilot in the front window. I'm sure I'm on someone watch list now with this picture.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Allison, Morgan, and Flat Brie

Aboard a hayride through the spooky forest.
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